A Geography Mash Up - by Sophia (Year 7)
I (Sophia) was recently given homework where we had to do a geography project about our chosen county. We had to include: tourist...
Why chrome is the new shiny thing in education!
So I'm sat here looking at a shiny new gadget that is thinner than the sandwich I am eating at my desk and lighter than the tankard of...
The only way to use Android in Education?
The few weeks sandwiching the beginning of the new school year are always hectic for us to say the least. We work with and in schools up...
Keeping Creativity in the Loupe
A great proportion of people reading this will be doing so in Google Chrome. Yet how many people, save those venturing into Chromebook...
Animation Desk – wonderful free app for creativity on Android & iOS
Animation Desk is a lovely app for creating self-drawn cartoons and animations and is available for free on both Android and iOS. The app...
15 Days with Android
Having been totally addicted to iOS for the past 5 years – starting with an iPod Touch through to an iPhone 3GS and then a 4S and iPad2,...